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RTO LT signed a partnership agreement with LEADERSHIP4SMEs

RTO Lithuania is excited to announce that as of 6/07/2022, RTO Lithuania is in a signed partnership agreement with the LEADERSHIP4SMEs consortium.

LEADERSHIP4SMEs (acronym from “Leveraging the Emergence of Advanced Debt and
Equity Risk-financing Solutions for the Hypergrowth of IP-driven SMEs & Start-Ups”) is a
project financed by the European Commission under the Grant Agreement n° 951164.

The L4SMEs consortium is coordinated by bwcon and integrates 7 additional partners (Aster Capital, BCR, Bugnion, CNRS Innovation, Iceberg Consulting, INNOVA, KMU Forschung)from 6 European Member States, with complementary expertise.

L4SMEs has the mission to develop a holistic framework, allowing SMEs and start-ups
proposing disruptive innovations (the core target group of the project) to efficiently leveragetheir intangible IP assets to stimulate their growth by opening access to adequate private andpublic funding opportunities, correlated with their business development strategy and market potential.

The L4SMEs consortium and RTO LT will cooperate to generate IP-related investment and business opportunities for the members of their communities, and offer according to their possibilities and based on conditions defined on a case-by-case basis, support services contributing to their development. The consortium will regularly provide RTO LT information about the services and opportunities presenting a potential interest for the members of its community. The L4SMEs consortium will in particular inform RTO LT about the open calls for applications to which the community of RTO LT can participate, as well as about the events providing RTO LT specific knowledge and offering visibility and networking opportunities. RTO LT will also be informed about the workshops allowing the members of its community to meet investors and business partners.