Minister of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania Algirdas Monkevičius has signed edict by which designated funding for establishing five centres of excellence in Center for Physical Sciences and Technology. FTMC managed to secure almost one-third of all projects in this round in Lithuania – five out of sixteen.
Additionally, a single proposed project by Lithuanian Energy Institute was also selected for funding. Combined sum of investment for RTO Lithuania members will be more than 5.5 million euros.
Selected excellence centres will include innovative gaseous biofuel production (LEI), laser technologies (FTMC), semiconductor infrared laser systems (FTMC), functional surfaces, coatings and structures (FTMC), development and application of sustainable environmental assessment tools and technologies (FTMC) and biological feedback measurement and analysis technology center for strengthening personal and public health (FTMC in partnership with Vilnius Gediminas Technical University).
More information in Lithuanian language can be found here.