“There is yet a lot to prove, but it is always nice to get endorsement for our activities. Especially by international institutions. It shows that direction we took last year by establishing RTO Lithuania is right direction,” – said chairman of RTO council, Lithuanian Energy Institute director Sigitas Rimkevičius, commenting latest European Commision European Semester 2020 Lithuania report.
Report, among other things, states that “Inefficient public funding limits public research and innovation capacities and lowers the quality of output. This is amplified by a cumbersome institutional network and a shortage of talent.” Under this section, one of positive notes EC provides is related to establishment of RTO Lithuania by The Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC), the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and the Lithuanian Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC), and Science and Technology Park of the Institute of Physics.
“<…> three leading research centres established the first Lithuanian research and technology organisation associating more than a thousand researchers, with the aim to consolidate the country’s applied research potential,” stated in European Commision report.
Full Country Report Lithuania 2020 can be accesed here.