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About us

RTOs offer a core set of skills and competences needed by regions to successfully develop smart specialisation strategies. RTO Lithuania is an association of non-university research and technology organisations.

We provide services for high-tech industry and other research institutions nationally and globally under various topics covered by Green Deal.

Our strength is in our members! See their expertise below.

For further information or possible collaboration contact us:

Our members

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) is the largest scientific research institution carrying out a unique fundamental research and technological development works in scientific fields of laser technologies, optoelectronics, nuclear physics, organic chemistry, bio and nanotechnologies, electrochemical material science, functional materials, electronics, etc. in Lithuania. In the Center not only the innovative science but also high technologies expedient for business and society needs are developed.

The main activity of FTMC is to carry out fundamental and applied research as well as experimental investigations in the fields of physics, chemistry and technologies, which are of utmost importance to the state, society and business.

Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI)  is internationally recognized energy-related research, development and innovation (R&D&I) competence centre. Institute performs research in clean energy technologies, environmental and material engineering and social sciences (energy economy); develops innovative technologies and consults governmental, public and private entities on sustainable energy development.

LEI is a member of EERA, EARTO,  EURAMET, EurAqua, SNETP, etc.

The Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry’s performs state-of-the-art research in the fields of agriculture and forestry, sustainable development and utilization of biomass-based resources, innovative food processing

Researchers are involved in national (funded by the Lithuanian Research Council, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Economy and other state authorities) and international projects (funded from HORIZON 2020, European Territorial Cooperation, Horizon Europe and other EU funds).

More than 470 varieties of outdoor, garden and vegetable plants have been developed since the beginning of plant breeding in Lithuania (1922). LAMMC is a member of EPSO, EUCARPIA, ISHS and IUFRO.

Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics is a specialized science and technology park for the growth of laser, optical and engineering companies.

The park performs functions of a technological business incubator in laser, optical and engineering fields – it provides business management, consulting, qualification improvement, engineering, and other services, as well as coordinates activities of the Laser and Engineering Technologies Cluster (LITEK™).