Research partnerships for green and digital transition

RTO Lithuania Call for Collaborative Pilot Research Projects Launched

Three Lithuanian RTOs members – the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC), Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI), and the Lithuanian Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC) – have announced today an annual joint call for pilot research projects for 2025. This initiative aims to foster the interdiscplinary and cross-institutional collaboration between three RTOs in addressing key national and societal challenges for a sustainable, climate-resilient and secure Lithuania.

The call offers funding of up to €30,000 per project (€10,000 for each research group) and focuses on three key areas:

  • Smart/Sustainable Technologies
  • Environmental Technologies
  • Defence Technologies

Projects must involve researchers from all three participating institutions. Successful projects are expected to result in high-impact scientific publications and lead to a further follow-up – the submissions for national and international R&D&I funding calls, thus providing a launch pad for emerging ideas that can have longer impact.

An information event will be held at FTMC in Vilnius on March 5, where potential applicants can present their project ideas and find partners. For more information and registration, interested researchers can visit:

The deadline for submitting applications is March 31, 2025. The projects will have to be completed by March 31, 2026.

Call documents:

Contact persons: